المنتديات الموقع العربي الموقع الانجليزي الهلال تيوب بلوتوث صوتيات الهلال اهداف الهلال صور الهلال
العودة   نادي الهلال السعودي - شبكة الزعيم - الموقع الرسمي > المنتديات العامة > منتدى الثقافة الإسلامية

منتدى الثقافة الإسلامية لتناول المواضيع والقضايا الإسلامية الهامة والجوانب الدينية

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قديم 12/09/2011, 12:08 PM
زعيــم نشيــط
تاريخ التسجيل: 28/03/2008
مشاركات: 809
Lightbulb مساء الخير للجميع .. هديتي اليكم

1- أسئلة مهمة لكل مسيحي

ما هو دليلكم من كتابكم المقدس على أن السيد المسيح عليه السلام هو الله؟
هل قال أنا الله أو قال له أحد يا الله؟
هل قال اعبدونى أو قال أنا الذى خلقتكم ورزقتكم وأحييتكم وأُميتكم أو قال له أحد يا خالقنا ورازقنا ومدبِّر أمرنا؟
أنتم تقولون إن الله تجسَّد فى صورة المسيح عليه السلام
فهل قال لكم أنا الله المتجسِّد؟ وهل هذا الأمر الخطير الذى يترتب عليه دخول الجنة أو النار لا يستحق الذكر؟
أليس المفروض أن يكون كلامه واضحاً حتى لا يكون هناك حجة لأحد فى أن يقول: أنا لم أفهم منه ذلك لأنه لم يَقُلْها صراحةً؟
وإذا كان هو الله المتجسِّد فلماذا لم يتجسَّد دون أن يدخل فى رَحِم السيدة مريم رضى الله عنها؟
ولماذا لم ينزل من السماء مباشرة ليكون أوقع فى قلوب عباده وأشد تأثيراً؟
ربما تقولون إن له صفات لاهوتية وأخرى ناسوتية وقد دخل فى رَحِمها لتعطيه أو يكتسب منها الناسوتية
فهل كان غير قادر على اكتساب هذه الصفات بدونها وهو القادر على كل شىء؟
كما أنه من المعلوم عندكم أن اللاهوت هو الأصل أما الناسوت فهو مخلوق
فهل كان الله ناقصاً حتى يكمل نفسه بجزء من خلقه؟
إذا سألكم أحد وقال لكم: كيف يدخل الله سبحانه وتعالى فى رَحِم السيدة مريم ثم يولَد ويرضع ويحبو ويلعب ويتبوَّل ويتبرَّز؟ تقولون له أليس الله قادر على ذلك؟
ولكن هل كل ما يقدر عليه يفعله حتى لو كان لا يليق بعظمته وجلاله؟
فأنتم تقدرون على فعل أشياء كثيرة (مثل التبوُّل والتبرُّز فى الشارع) ولكن هل تفعلونها؟
ثم ألستم تتفقون معنا أن الله يعلم الغيب منذ الأزل ويعلم أن سيدنا آدم سيأكل من الشجرة؟
فهل كان يعلم هذا ثم يُقَدِّر على نفسه العذاب بدلاً من آدم؟
أنتم تقولون إن الآب والابن والروح القدس ثلاثة فى واحد
وإذا قال لكم أحد إن هذا مستحيل ولا يمكن فهمه
تردون عليه بأن الله الغير محدود لا يمكن فهمه بالعقل المحدود
فهل الله اللا محدود يدخل فى رَحِم السيدة مريم المحدود؟
أنتم تقولون إنه صُلِبَ ومات ودُفِنَ لمدة 3 أيام ثم صعد ليجلس عن يمين أبيه
فمن كان يدبِّر أمر السموات والأرض وهو ميت؟ ولو كان هو الله فهل يجلس الله عن يمين نفسه؟
أنتم تقولون إن المسيح جاء ليفتدينا من خطيئة آدم
فما ذنبنا فى خطيئة آدم عليه السلام؟ وما ذنب المسيح أن يُعذَّب بدلاً منه؟
ألم يَقُل كتابكم المقدس فى تثنية24: 16 لا يُقتَل الآباء عن الأولاد ولا يُقتَل الأولاد عن الآباء. كل إنسان بخطيَّته يُقتَل؟
وإذا كان المسيح هو الله فلماذا لم يغفر لآدم دون أن يحمِّل نفسه هذا العناء؟ وهل رأيتم أو سمعتم فى تاريخ البشرية أجمع أن ملكاً من الملوك أو حاكماً أو قاضياً عذب نفسه أو ابنه بدلاً من معاقبة الجانى؟ وإذا فعل ذلك ألا يضحك الناس عليه ويقولون: انظروا إلى هذا الملك الذى يعذب نفسه ويهينها بدلاً من أن يعاقب الجانى أو يعفو عنه؟
أنتم تقولون إن الله من شدة حبه لخلقه عذب نفسه بدلاً منهم فهل كان الله يفرق فى محبته بين عباده؟
وبمعنى آخر: لماذا سلَّم نفسه لليهود ليصلبوه؟ أليسوا هم أيضاً من عباده؟ وهل خطيئة آدم فى أكله من الشجرة أشد أم صَلْب الإلَه؟ فهل يُعقَل أن يطهر طائفة من البشر من خطيئة لا ذنب لهم فيها ثم يوقِع طائفة أخرى فى خطيئة أشد؟
وإذا كان يحب خَلْقَه وعذب نفسه ليخلصهم من الخطيئة فلماذا لا يخلِّص إلا الذين آمنوا بنزوله وصَلْبِه ولا يخلِّص جميع عباده؟
وهل من عدل الإله أن يتجسد ليراه بعض الناس ثم يُلزِم بقية الأمم التى تأتى بعدهم بتصديق ذلك وهم لم يروه؟
ولماذا نزل وتجسَّد لبنى إسرائيل فقط وحَرَم بقية عباده من رؤيته؟ ألم يكن هناك أمم غيرهم فى ذلك الوقت يستحقون رؤيته مثلهم؟
ولماذا لم ينزل فى بداية الخليقة ليطهرها من الخطيئة بدلاً من أن يتركهم بخطيئتهم وفيهم الأنبياء والمرسلون؟
وهل جاء الإله ليُحزِن أتباعه إلى يوم القيامة على صلبه؟ تصوروا أن ملكاً من الملوك جاء لقوم فى قريتهم أو مدينتهم ألا ينتظرون منه أن يُدخِل عليهم السرور ويعطيهم الهدايا بدلاً من أن يُحزنهم ويُبَكِّيهم ويعيشون طوال عمرهم فى ذكرى آلامه وتعذيبه؟
ولو كان المسيح هو الإله المتجسِّد فهل يكلم المتجسِّد غير المتجسِّد؟ وبمعنى آخر: هل كان يقول مثلاً: أبى الذى فى السماء أو يقول ربى أو يقول إلهى لِمَ تركتنى… إلخ؟
ثم إنكم تقولون عن المسيح عليه السلام إنه المخَلِّص ومن آمن به خلَّصَه وأدخله الملكوت
وإذا سألناكم وقلنا لكم: يخلِّص المؤمنين به من أى شىء؟ تقولون يخلصهم من الخطيئة والشيطان
فهل كل أتباعه خلصوا من الخطيئة والشياطين فعلاً؟ لو كان هذا حقاً لمَا وجدنا مسيحى على وجه الأرض يخطئ ولأصبحوا أمثال الملائكة, وإذا وعدهم بأنه سيخلصهم من الخطيئة, أليس فى هذا تحريض لهم على الإجرام والخطيئة أكثر وأكثر اعتماداً منهم على أنه سيخلصهم؟
وإذا كان سيخلصهم من خطيئة آدم فقط فما فائدة ذلك؟ أيخلصهم من خطيئة لا ذنب لهم فيها ثم يؤاخذهم على خطاياهم وهى الأهم عندهم؟ وما معنى توَعّده بالعذاب للعاصين منهم طالما أنه يخلصهم؟
فقد جاءت نصوص كثيرة فى الكتاب المقدس تتوعد العاصين بالنار ومنها ما جاء فى متى18: 8-9 فإن أعثرتك يدك أو رجلك فاقطعها وألقها عنك خيراً لك أن تدخل الحياة أعرج أو أقطع من أن تلقى فى النار الأبدية ولك يدان أو رجلان. وإن أعثرتك عينك فاقلعها وألقها عنك خير لك أن تدخل الحياة أعور من أن تلقى فى جهنم النار ولك عينان
فأىّ خلاص هذا الذى تتحدثون عنه وتمنُّون به من تحوالون تنصيره؟ وأىّ سعادة تلك التى يشعر بها من آمن بدينكم وهو يعلم أنه سيدخل النار إن لم يقطع يده ورجله ويقلع عينه لأنه أخطأ بها؟
أنتم تعظمون الفطير وتقبِّلونه وتسجدون له فى الكنائس وتأكلونه وتقولون إنه جسد الرب ثم تخرجونه مع الفضلات فى الحمامات فهل هذا يليق بالله سبحانه وتعالى؟
وأسألكم بالله: هل لو احترق هذا الفطير فى الفرن أكنتم تأكلوه أم أنكم ترمونه؟
إن المسيح عليه السلام تبرَّأ من الألوهية ودعا إلى توحيد الله فى نصوص كثيرة من الكتاب المقدس, وأقرَّ بأن المعجزات التى أتى بها ليست من عنده, ولكنها من الله سبحانه وتعالى والدليل على ذلك كله موجود فى السؤال رقم 16 و18 فى الرد على شبهات العقيدة فى هذه المدونة
وهذه بعض مقتطفات منها: فى لوقا18: 18-19 وسأله رئيس قائلاً أيها المعلم الصالح ماذا أعمل لأرِث الحياة الأبدية. فقال له يسوع لماذا تدعونى صالحاً. ليس أحد صالحاً إلا واحد وهو الله
وفى يوحنا14: 28 لأنى قلت أمضى إلى الآب. لأن أبى أعظم منى
كيف يكون الآب أعظم من الإبن وهما واحد؟ وهل يكون الواحد أعظم من نفسه؟
فى لوقا6: 12 وفى تلك الأيام خرج إلى الجبل ليصلى. وقضى الليل كله فى الصلاة لله
فهل الإله يصلى لنفسه؟
فى يوحنا8: 40 ولكنكم الآن تطلبون أن تقتلونى وأنا إنسان قد كلمكم بالحق الذى سمعه من الله
فى هذا النَّص يقول إنه إنسان, وفى نصوص أخرى يقول إنه ابن الإنسان, فكيف تعتقدون أنه الله مع أن الكتاب المقدس ينفى الألوهية عن الإنسان وعن ابن الإنسان فيقول فى عدد23 : 19 ليس الله إنساناً فيكذب. أو ابن إنسان فيندم
فى يوحنا5: 30 أنا لا أقدر أن أفعل من نفسى شيئاً كما أسمع أدين ودينونتى عادلة لأنى لا أطلب مشيئتى بل مشيئة الآب الذى أرسلنى
وفى يوحنا5: 37 والآب نفسه الذى أرسلنى يشهد لى. لم تسمعوا صوته قط ولم تبصروا هيئته
فكيف يكون هو الله ثم يقول: لم تسمعوا صوته قط ولم تبصروا هيئته؟
فى متى24: 36 وأما ذلك اليوم وتلك الساعة فلا يعلم بهما أحد ولا ملائكة السموات إلا أبى وحده
فكيف يكون إلهاً وهو لا يعلم متى يوم القيامة؟ بل ولا يعلم حتى من ضربه؟
ففى لوقا22: 63-64 كانوا يستهزئون به وهم يجلدونه. وغطوه وكانوا يضربون وجهه ويسألونه قائلين تنبَّأ. من هو الذى يضربك ..
ولا تظنوا أن قوله على الله إنه أبوه تعنى الأبوَّة الحقيقية, فقد قالها على تلاميذه
ففى متى23: 9 ولا تدعوا لكم أباً على الأرض لأن أباكم واحد الذى فى السموات
وفى يوحنا20: 17 إنى أصعد إلى أبى وأبيكم وإلهى وإلهكم
وكذلك فإن كلمة ابن الله فى الكتاب المقدس تعنى المؤمن بالله بدليل أنها قيلت على غيره
ففى يوحنا1: 12 وأما الذين قبِلوه فأعطاهم سلطاناً أن يصيروا أولاد الله أى المؤمنون باسمه
وفى خروج4: 22 فتقول لفرعون هكذا يقول الرب. إسرائيل ابنى البكر
كما أن كلمة الرب لا تعنى الربوبية الحقيقية ولكنها بمعنى المعلم
ففى يوحنا1: 38 فالتفت يسوع ونظرهما يتبعان فقال لهما ماذا تطلبان. فقالا ربى الذى تفسيره يا معلم أين تمكث
إن السيد المسيح عليه السلام بشر رسول من عند الله والدليل على ذلك فى أقواله السابقة وفى غيرها من أقواله وأقوال مُعاصِرِيه
ففى لوقا24: 19 فقال لهما وما هى فقالا المختصة بيسوع الناصرى الذى كان إنساناً نبياً مقتدراً فى الفعل والقول أمام الله وجميع الشعب
وفى متى21: 11 فقالت الجموع هذا يسوع النبى الذى من ناصرة الجليل
وفى أعمال الرسل2: 22 أيها الرجال الإسرائليون اسمعوا هذه الأقوال يسوع الناصرى قد تبرهن من قِبَل الله بقوّات وعجائب وآيات صنعها الله بيده فى وسطكم
إن الكتاب المقدس يُطلِق لفظ الإله على البشر
ففى خروج7: 1 فقال الرب لموسى انظر. أنا جعلتك إلهاً لفرعون. وهارون أخوك يكون نبيّك
وفى مزمور82: 6 أنا قلت إنكم آلهة وبنو العَلىُّ كلكم
وفى يوحنا10: 34 أجابهم يسوع أليس مكتوباً فى ناموسكم أنا قلتُ إنكم آلهة
حتى لفظ الجلالة (الله) يُطلِقه الكتاب المقدس على القاضى بمعنى أنه يقضى بحكم الله
ففى مزمور82: 1 الله قائم فى مجمع الله. فى وسط الآلهة يقضى (فى وسط الآلهة أى فى وسط عِلْيَة القوم)
أما قول المسيح عن نفسه أنا والآب واحد فهى بمعنى أنهما واحد فى الغاية والهدف وقد قالها السيد المسيح على تلاميذه أيضاً
ففى يوحنا17: 21-23 ليكون الجميع واحداً كما أنك أنت أيها الآب فىَّ وأنا فيك ليكونوا هم أيضاً واحداً فينا ليؤمن العالم أنك أرسلتنى وأنا قد أعطيتهم المجد الذى أعطيتنى ليكونوا واحداً كما أننا نحن واحد. أنا فيهم وأنت فىَّ ليكونوا مكمّلين إلى واحد
وأما قول المسيح إنه ليس من هذا العالم فليس مقصوراً عليه ففى يوحنا17: 14 أنا قد أعطيتهم كلامك والعالم أبغضهم لأنهم ليسوا من العالم كما أنى لستُ من العالم
ولننتقل الآن إلى قضية الفداء التى تتمسكون بها ونسألكم هل المعاصى الشنيعة التى نسبتموها لأنبيائكم من قتل وزنى وشرب خمر لا تساوى خطيئة أكْل آدمُ من الشجرة؟ وهل يحتاجون لنزول الإله مرة أخرى ليكفرها عنهم؟
إن المسيح لم يقل إنه جاء لتقديم نفسه فداءً لهذه الخطيئة ولم يذكر آدم ولا خطيئته قط بل كان يهرب من اليهود الذين أرادوا قتله وكان يتضرع إلى الله أن ينجيه منهم ويأمر تلاميذه أن يتضرعوا لله لينقذه
فهل الإله يدعو نفسه لينقذ نفسه مما كتبه على نفسه؟ وهل يُعقَل أن تكون هذه مهمته التى جاء من أجلها ولا يذكرها بل ويهرب منها؟
ففى يوحنا11: 53-54 فمن ذلك اليوم تشاوروا ليقتلوه فلم يكن يسوع أيضاً يمشى بين اليهود علانية بل مضى من هناك إلى الكورة القريبة من البرية إلى مدينة يقال لها أفرايم
وفى يوحنا7: 1 وكان يسوع يتردد بعد هذا فى الجليل. لأنه لم يُرِد أن يتردد فى اليهودية لأن اليهود كانوا يطلبون أن يقتلوه
فلو كان المسيح إلهاً فلماذا كل هذا الخوف والحذر من اليهود الذين أرادوا قتله؟ أليس المفروض أنه يعلم الغيب ويعلم أنه لن ينجو منهم؟
فى يوحنا17: 4 يقول: أنا مجَّدتُك على الأرض. العمل الذى أعطيتنى لأعمل قد أكملتُه
إن هذا معناه أنه أكمل مهمته التى كلفه الله بها فأين هى الفدية المزعومة؟
فى مرقس14: 32-38 وجاءوا إلى ضيعة اسمها جثسيمانى فقال لتلاميذه اجلسوا هاهنا حتى أصلى. ثم أخذ معه بطرس ويعقوب ويوحنا وابتدأ يدهش ويكتئب. فقال لهم نفسى حزينة جداً حتى الموت. امكثوا هنا واسهروا. ثم تقدم قليلاً وخرَّ على الأرض وكان يصلى لكى تعبُرَ عنه الساعة إن أمكن. وقال يا أبا الآب كل شىء مُستطاع لك. فأجِز عنى هذه الكأس. ولكن ليكن لا ما أريد أنا بل ما تريد أنت. ثم جاء ووجدهم نياماً فقال لبطرس يا سمعان أنت نائم. أما قدرتَ أن تسهر ساعة واحدة. اسهروا وصلوا لئلا تدخلوا فى تجربة
وحين صُلِبَ (بزعمكم) سأل الله لماذا تركه ولم ينجِّه؟
ففى مرقس15: 34 وفى الساعة التاسعة صرخ يسوع بصوت عظيم قائلاً الوى الوى لِما شبقتنى. الذى تفسيره إلهى إلهى لماذا تركتنى
فلو كان هو الله أكان يعاتب نفسه أنه لم ينقذ نفسه؟
وأخيراً إذا كنتم تعتقدون أن السيد المسيح هو الله لأنه كان يحيى الموتى, فقد نسب الكتاب المقدس إحياء الموتى لإيليا واليشع وحزقيال فى الملوك الأول17: 17-24 والملوك الثانى4: 32-35 وحزقيال37: 1-10


Amazing & very important questions for christians

These are some questions addressed to Christians

What is your proof from the Bible that Jesus -peace be upon him- is a God or the son of God? Has he said so or anyone addressed him as God?
Did he say Worship me or I am your creator and provider or I give you life and death?

Or has anyone addressed him saying Our creator, provider… etc?
You say that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, so did he say I am God incarnate?
And is such a dangerous issue on which entering heaven or hell depends is not worth mentioning in the Bible?
Shouldn’t his words be so clear so no one would say I did not get it because Jesus did not state it clearly?
If he was God incarnate, why did he have to be inside Mary’s womb?
Why didn’t he simply come down to earth from Heaven to have a stronger impact over his followers?
You may say he has divine and human qualities and he entered Mary’s womb to get those human qualities
So, was he unable to get those qualities without entering her womb as he’s Almighty?
It is well-known that the Divine is the origin and the human is created So was God imperfect before, so he made himself perfect by one of his own creations?
One might ask: How come that God gets into Mary’s womb then comes to life, breast-feeds, plays, crawls, urinates and defecates?
you might say Isn’t God capable of doing anything?

Yet is it so Even if it is not worthy His Grace and greatness?
You -as humans- can do many things Like urinating, defecating in the street, yet would you do that?
You say that Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are three in one & if one says it is incomprehensible and cannot be understood
You would answer: God is unlimited, infinite and cannot be comprehended with our limited minds

Yet would God the unlimited exist in the limited Mary’s womb?
You say He was crucified, he died and was burried within three days then He ascended and sat on His Father right side

So who was managing Heavens and earth during his death?
And if He was God would He sit on His own right side?!
You say Jesus sacrificed Himslef for our sake to free us from the burden of Adam’s sin

Yet was that sin our fault? And was it Jesus’ fault to suffer for Adam’s sin?
Wasn’t mentioned in your Bible Deuteronomy24: 16
The fathers shall not be put to death for the children nor shall the children be put to death for the fathers every man shall

be put to death for his own sin?
And if Jesus is God, why didn’t He simply forgive Adam for what he did instead of taking all the pain Himself?
Have you heard in the entire history a king or a judge or a governer who would punish himslef or his son instead of the sinner?
And if he did so wouldn’t people laugh at him saying Look at that king who punishes and humiliate himself instead of punishing or forgiving the sinner?
You say it is because God loves His people so much that he tortured

Himself instead of them then was God biased in that love for His creation?
In other words: Why did He surrender Himslef to the Jews to crucify Him? Aren’t they His creatures as well?

And is Adam’s sin worse than their sin of crucifying God?
Is it logical to purify a group from a sin that is not theirs

and then make another fall into committing a worse sin?
And if He really loves them that much

Why only purifying those who believed in His crucification and not purify all his creation?
Is it fair of a god to become visible to a group of people only and then ask everybody else to believe in Him though they did not see Him?
And why only descending and becoming visible to the children of Israel and depriving the rest from seeing Him? Weren’t there many other nations who deserved to see Him?
Why did not He come at the beginning of creation to purify all humans from that sin instead of leaving them with it while among them were prophets?
Did this God come to cause sadness to His followers until the Judgement Day because of His crucification?
Imagine a king coming to a village or a town, wouldn’t those people wait for this man to bring happiness and gifts to them not to make them weep forever in memomry of his pains and torture?
If He was God incarnate, would the incarnate speak to the not-incarnate?
In other words: Would He say Father in Heavens or God or Lord

why hast thou forsaken me.. etc?
You also say Jesus is the savior and whoever believes in Him enters kingdom of heaven
Our question is: save believers from what? you say from sin and Satan
So were all His followers really saved from sin and Satan?
If that was true we wouldn’t have seen one single Christian commit a sin and they would have become like angels
And if He promised them salvation, wouldn’t that tempt them to commit more sins depending on that salvation?
If that salvation was only from Adam’s sin, what benefit would be in that?
Saving them from one sin that is not theirs and punishing them for their sins which matter more?
And why His threat to those sinners with torture in hell if He’s giving them salvation?
There were so many verses with threat to sinners to be tortured in Hell
An example is in Mathew18: 8-9 If your hand or your foot causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire and if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out and throw it

away it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell
What kind of salvation is that you are promising people whom you are trying Christianise?
And what kind of happiness a Christian would feel when he knows that he will go to Hell if he does not cut off his sinful hand, sinful foot and pluck out his sinful eye?
You glorify the bread at chirch and bow to it saying it’s Jesus’ body and eat it, yet it is thrown out in the toilet when you defecate
Is this worthy of God? And answer me for God’s Sake: if this bread burn in oven, would you eat it or throw it?
Jesus has repudiated divinity and called for worshipping the one and only God in many verses in the Bible
He also admitted that all the miracles he had were not created by him but from God

these are some examples
In Luke18: 18-19 And a certain ruler asked him saying Good Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life? and Jesus said unto him Why callest thou me good? none is good save one that is God
In John14: 28 I said I go unto the Father for my Father is greater than I

How come the Father is greater than the Son when they are one?

And would the one be greater than Himself?!
in Luke6: 12 And it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God
So would a god pray for himself?
In John8:40 Now ye seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God
In this verse he says he is a human being and in others he says he is a son of a human
So how come you think he is a God although in the Bible he negates this divinity to be in humans or sons of humans in Numbers23:19 God is not man that he should lie or a son of man that he should change his mind
In John5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me
In John5:37 And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me Ye have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape
So how come he is God and say: you did not hear His voice or see Him?
in Mathew24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my Father only
So how can he be God and he does not know when the judement Day is and even does not know who hit him?
In Luke22: 63-64 And the men that held Jesus mocked him and smote him And when they had blindfolded him they struck him on the face and asked him saying Prophesy who is it that smote thee?

Saying God is his father does not mean real biological parenthood since he used it addressing his apostles
Mathew23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth for one is your Father which is in heaven
In John20:17 Jesus saith unto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God
In addition, The son of God in the Bible means the believer in God since it was used to refer to other poeple than Jesus
In John1:12 But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name
And in Exodus4: 22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh Thus saith the Lord Israel is my son even my firstborn
And the word Rabbi does not mean real divinity but means the teacher
In John1:38 Then Jesus turned and saw them following and saith unto them What seek ye? They said unto him Rabbi (which is to say being interpreted Master) where dwellest thou?
Jesus -peace be upon him- is human, a messanger from God

And proofs of that are in his words which we read here and others and in what his contemporaries said about him
In luke 24:19And he said unto them What things? And they said unto him Concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people
In Mathew21:11 And the multitude said This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee
And in Acts2: 22 Ye men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves also know
The Bible uses the word God referring to humans
In Exodus7:1 And the Lord said unto Moses See I have made thee a god to Pharaoh and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet
In Psalms82:6 I have said Ye are gods and all of you are children of the most High
In John10:34 Jesus answered them Is it not written in your law I said Ye are gods?
In Psalms82:1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty he judgeth among the gods
So what Jesus said about him being one with God means one in purpose and goal And Jesus said this also about his apostles too

in John17: 21-23 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one
Jesus’ saying he does not belong to this world is not specific for him
In John17: 14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world
Let’s move on to the story of sacrifice that you cling to
My question is: Are all the horrible sins that you refer to you prophets including drinking and adultery, are not equal to Adam’s sin of eating from the tree? and do they need a god to descend once again to wipe their sins?
Jesus did not say he came to sacrifice himself for that sin and did not mention Adam or his sin at all but he was running away from Jews who were trying to kill him
He was supplicating to God to save him and ordered his apostles to do so
Yet would a god ask himself to save himself from what he destined on himself?!
Is it logical that this was the mission which he came for and wouldn’t mention, on the contrary he would run from it?
In John11: 53-54 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness into a city
In John7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him
If Jesus was God why all that caution and fear from Jews who wanted to kill him? Isn’t he supposed to know the future and that he wouldn’t survive?
In John17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do
This means he has finished his mission which God has given to him so where is this alleged sacrifice?
In Mark14: 32-38 And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane and he saith to his disciples Sit ye here while I shall pray And he taketh with him Peter and James and John and began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy And saith unto them My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death tarry ye here and watch And he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him And he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee take away this cup from me nevertheless not what I will but what thou wilt And he cometh and findeth them sleeping and saith unto Peter Simon sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour? Watch ye and pray lest ye enter into temptation
And when he was crucified (As you claim) he asked God why He has forsaken him and not saved him?
In Mark15:34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
If he was God how blaming himslef? and why not saving himself?
Finally if you think that Jesus is God because he brought the dead back to life
Then the Bible also referred to Elijha, Elisha and Ezekiel as they did bring the dead back to life
In1st King17: 17-24 & 2nd King4:32-35 & ezekiel 37:1-10


atheists and Christians ! please read these questions carefully

In the Name of Allah
Most Gracious Most Merciful and peace be upon Prophet Mohammad Now that many Arabs are becoming atheists and have been offensively bold against religions from Allah (God) Almighty. They have also dared to claim that these religions are Manmade and some have been even so rude against God Himself
What is strange is that this group of people is attacking no religion but Islam, and if you ask them: WHY ISLAM alone? they would say: it is the only religion widely spread among Arabs whereas Christian and Jewish Arabs are a minority
They even claim that they were Muslims and converted to atheism, but the real reason behind their way of behavior is that they were mostly Christians; this is evident in that they prefer Jesus to Mohammad (Peace be upon both of them) and they were not Muslims. They are still nostalgic to their first belief
Some of Christians hide behind this “mask” of atheism so that they won’t have to be confronted with what they have on the Bible, as ***uality, contradictions, myths, information that contradictions science, etc
Regardless of their beliefs, let’s debate with them, and debate also who do not believe in religions
The first group consists of atheists who don’t believe in God; the second one believes in the existence of a God but disbelieve in religions; they consider religions as sources of all evil, poverty, ignorance, diseases, etc. In addition, they do not believe in Judgment Day
Firstly: the ones who deny God’s existence and say: “This wide universe existed accidently by chance; it was made by Nature. We only believe in things that are visual, things that can be touched. If God existed, He would have made Himself visible to us so that we believe in Him”
Our Answer is the following: Such a question cannot come from someone who thinks logically. Is there anything in this universe that exists without a maker? A creator?
Can mere chance create a very well-established laws? If nature was responsible for creating this universe, where did nature get it’s ingredients from? Allah says, in Holy Quran: 52, 35 (Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?)

If you leave your wife alone in house, and when you return to the house you find traces of a man things, as cigarettes or clothes… etc, and when you ask her: “who was here?” she says: “no body” then you ask her: ”if no body was her! from were have came these things? “she says: “they came by chance” would you believe her!?
If you have been told that a ship loaded with goods was created by chance and no “maker” has made it, and it sailed all by itself in the middle of the ocean, would you believe it?
If you drop a big cup on the floor, would it break into smaller cups? If you pour paint of different colours on a piece of paper, would the result be a beautifully painted picture?
Now what about the great universe with all its unbelievably great organization? If one element goes wrong.**** will be a disaster; all life would have been destroyed
If someone travels across the desert all alone and decides to have a nap, then wakes up and finds a table full of food and drinks, wouldn’t he, before eating anything from that table, ask himself who brought this food here? How, then, can anyone ignore the same question about the whole universe that was so well prepared for us before we were born? The Sun, the moon, the stars, etc. Everything in it is so well organized and follows a very specific order? Is it logical that there is no Creator for all of this?! Are these so well-established laws were created by mere chance?
We believe in electricity, but do we see it with our own naked eyes? Let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that we are in a place where the lights are on, and the fan is working; if someone comes and asks: where is this electricity? We might answer: it’s in those covered wires. If he removes the cover on the wires, would he see that electricity? If he tries to touch those bare wires, what would happen to him?!
We know what a scientific revolution this technology has created including satellites, computers, communication, internet… etc, but do we actually see these electrons?
Do we see gravity? Magnetic force? Do we see X-ray or laser or ultrasounds? Or did we know and learn about these things by their Effect?
Our senses which God created are not prepared to understand all the creatures, then how to realize their creator? Allah says: [6:103] (Vision perceives Him not, but He perceives [all] vision; and He is the Subtle, the Acquainted.)
Now you demand seeing God with your own eyes; Where is, then, the test that each one has to go through? Belief in the “Unseen” is the essence of what believers believe in. If everything is to be Seen, what is, then, the benefit from “Belief”? Would anyone say: “I believe in the sun, the moon, day and night?”
Seeing God is a bless that is so great; it is even greater than Paradise; therefore, does a disbeliever, a sinner or a transgressor deserve to see God? Allah says: (Verily, from (the Light of) their Lord, that Day, will they be veiled.) 83:15
This privilege is only given to the ones who are blessed by entering Paradise. So it is only allowed to them, and it differs depending on their rank in Paradise. The ones who are blessed with the highest rank will see God morning and evening., Allah says: “Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) Looking towards their Lord” 75: 22-23
You, atheists, might say to us: you Muslims claim that Allah (God) created everything; So, who created God?
Our reply, by God’s help, is the following:
This question is not only asked by you; even Muslim believers, sometimes, suffer from devil’s whisper of mischief. Our prophet, peace be upon him, told us the shayton will come to you and ask you, “Who created this and that?” And you will say, “Allah” and then he will continue until he asks: “Who created Allah?” then you must say: “I believe in Allah and His Messenger” Saheeh Al-Jamia’ Hadith no. 1656
In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah bless him) said: “Some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to him and said: “We find in our hearts things that none of us dares utter” He said: “Do you really find that?” They said: “Yes” He (Muhammad) said: “That is clear faith” 2/153
This does not mean that finding these things (Weswas) in your heart is a sign of faith, but it is finding such things so bad, that one would not dare to utter, is indeed the sign of faith.
Yet, if one does not find such ideas a big deal and are ok with it, he is similar to a hypocrite who shows faith but hides Kufr (blasphemy) and this person will bear the responsibility of his actions. Allah says: (The Day that (all) things secret will be tested, (Man) will have no power, and no helper. ) (Al-Tarik 86: 9, 10). He also says: (Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad. And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest. That their Lord had been Well-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day.?) (Al-Adiyat 100: 9-11).

If we assume, for argument’s sake, that someone created God; you, atheists, will also ask: Who created the creator of God? And so and so
Such questions will go on and on…A sensible person should understand that there is a Creator who was not created by anyone else, He is First and no one before Him; this is in our belief and doctrine is Allah (SWT) )the Creator of everything and He was not created, He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him ( 112: 3-4
Secondly: A reply to those who believe in the existence of God, but not the existence of religion, specially Islam, these people say: Religions are responsible for all human miseries including poverty, illiteracy, diseases, corruption, injustice, etc. These people, in addition, do not believe in Doomsday
Do you think that God created us just for fun, and He will not judge us by our actions on Earth? Where is justice, then? Do you think God will treat us all equally? The good as the bad? The unjust as the oppressed? The murderer as the murdered?…etc. This is ill-judgment, and God is so far from such a misunderstanding. Such a deion, if fits a king, means that this king does not deserve to be a king, so how could this apply to the King of all kings, Allah?
Allah says: “Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)? Therefore exalted be Allah, the King, the Reality, there is no god but He, the Lord of the Throne of Honour! (Surat “The Believers”23 : 115-116)
You are talking about corruption, injustice, underdevelopment and poverty in Muslim World; you consider your call for denying all religions is a call for reform and a war against misery and injustice that we suffer from. Yet attaching this to religion is a terrible mistake. Is rejecting religion, then, will end all this misery and poverty, etc.?
There are so many Americans, French, Germans, etc who belong to the modern civilized world who chose to become Muslims; has Islam, then, made them become sick, poor, and uncivilized?
Allow me to ask a question: Let us suppose, for argument’s sake, that all the Arab nation has answered your calls and gave up their religion; would this changes their life? Would their poverty, injustice, and underdevelopment, as a result, turn to wealth, justice, and development?
Who is going to give those victims back whatever was taken from then? Who to ask for help if no one helped them? What would be the source, for those poor and sick people, of strength and patience? Especially that this poor person would think that he will eventually die and will not, according to what you say, be compensated for all the sickness and poverty after his death? While, on the other hand, other people are enjoying wealth and health?
How would the condition of those nations be? Nations who do not believe in a religion that does not associate them with God? A fear of His punishment? A hope to get His rewards and blessings? Wouldn’t, then, the situation be the following: Everything is allowed since it is done secretly behind closed doors escaping the punishment of law? Who guarantees people the protection of their money, their blood and their women (their honor)? In such a society, lying, cheating, stealing, drinking alcohol, adultery, ***ual relations, etc. there will be no limits or restrictions for people’s behavior except human law which they can evade easily
Now allow me, Christians, who do not hide under the cover of atheism, to address you in the next paragraph, because you share with the above mentioned group the same unjust accusations against Islam
You know that modernity that the Western world has achieved was not based on the doctrines of its religion, in addition, there are many poor African countries, though embraced Christianity, still stuck with underdevelopment.
The current Western civilization is simply based on the Islamic civilization; it is based on the stealing of other countries’ educated people and sucking other countries “blood”, treasures, etc. You also know that what happened to the Islamic world is because of continuous colonization against their countries in addition to the fall of Islamic caliphate. Late the Islamic world was shredded into smaller countries
Any person observing the situation of Muslims would see that most of them are not actually abiding by the laws of Islam; If your opinion is true that Islam is the cause of underdevelopment, disease and poverty … etc., their conditions would be changed for the better due to this situation, isn’t this true?
The highest crime rate including rape, murder and robbery is in the non-Muslim countries or in those that do not rule in the name of Islam; the United States, which is considered the most civilized/modern country, has the highest rate of car accidents in the world because of alcohol
Tell me, for God’s sake, have you heard of any verse in Quran or Hadeeth (saying) by our prophet Mohammad (PBUH) or an opinion by one our Islamic scholars, that launches war against education or medical treatment or disease prevention? Or any of the previously mentioned encourages injustice or abuse or tyranny? Or object to legal money earn? Is what these “allegedly” Muslims are doing including abusing resources and oppressing the poor, related to Islam? Of course no
Isn’t it true that all what is happening right now such as injustice, corruption, murder and rape is because of their being away from religion? What will happen, then, if they were completely away from religion?
Have you forgotten the Church in the Dark Ages and what an obstacle it was against science and civilization; the situation was so bad that the Church executed some scientists such as Galileo and said that he wanted to “see God” with the telescope he invented? Then, the French Revolution exploded to end Church’s control over science and scientists?

Allah never ordered His prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to get more and more of something except Knowledge: “O my Lord! advance me in knowledge.” 20:14
And the first verse ever from Allah to His prophet (PBUH) was:
“Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created- Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood, Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,- He Who taught (the use of) the pen, Taught man that which he knew not” (96: 1-5)
And there are so many other verses and hadeeths (prophet’s sayings) that encourage knowledge, education and hard work and precautions against diseases and treatment and honest living, one of them what Allah says: “Say: Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation” 29:20
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “When doomsday comes, if someone has a palm shoot in his hand, he should plant it” (saheeh al-Jami’ 1424)
He also said: “for a man to take a rope and go and cut trees and sell the wood to eat and give charity, this would be better for him than begging people for money” (saheeh aljami’ 5040)
And he also said: “None of you should urinate in still water” (saheeh al-Jami’ 7596) and he said: “If one of you sneezes, he should cover his mouth with his hand or sleeve and not to allow it to be too loud” (saheeh al-Jami’ 4755).
And he said many other hadeeths witch Urges work, hygiene and medical treatments of diseases
In contrast, there are so many sayings in the Bible that discourage work and cleanliness and encourages punishment by eating dirty stuff. It also described strange diseases that infect walls and clothes especially in verse 13 and 14 in The Book of Leviticus.
It also judged people who were infected with Leprosy or a bald person as being sinners and impure and they have to be isolated; it even described some weird rituals for redemption of those people and even for the redemption of the houses that have leprosy!
Now we will offer you some of these s:
Marcus 7: 5-6 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written
And in Lucas 16:13 No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon
In Mathew 10: 9-10 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves
In Mathew 8: 21-22 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead
In Ezekiel 4: 12-15 And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them. Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! behold, my soul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth. Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow’s dung for man’s dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith
In 2 Kings 18: 27 But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?
And in Malachi 2:3 Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it
And in Levites 13: 51-52 And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day, if the plague be spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in a skin, or in any work that is made of skin; the plague is a fretting leprosy; it is unclean. He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or woof, in woollen or in linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the plague is, for it is a fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire
In Levites 14: 4-7: Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water. As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water: And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field
In Levites 14: 46-57 Moreover he that goeth into the house all the while that it is shut up shall be unclean until the even. And he that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes; and he that eateth in the house shall wash his clothes. And if the priest shall come in, and look upon it, and, behold, the plague hath not spread in the house, after the house was plaistered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague is healed. And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop, And he shall kill the one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water: And he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times, And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, and with the running water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet, But he shall let go the living bird out of the city into the open fields, and make an atonement for the house: and it shall be clean. This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall, And for the leprosy of a garment, and of a house, And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot: To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean, this is the law of leprosy
Another one of the wonders of the Bible is it’s deion of a very strange way to prove whether adultery happened or not in (Numbers5: 11-28) and here is a brief deion of it:
And then God talked to Moses telling him to tell the sons of Israel that if a woman commits adultery against her husband the husband should bring his wife to a priest who will, in his turn, make her stand in front of the Lord. Then the priest will bring some holy water in a small bowl made of clay and will get some dust from the husband’s house and puts it in the water. Then, he uncovers the woman’s hair and tells her: may the Lord curse you among your people and may the Lord make your thigh cursed and your belly swollen. And get this water of curse inside you to make your belly swollen and your thigh cursed; the woman would say then “Amen, Amen”. The priest would later write these curses down in a book and wipes it away with that bitter water and asks the woman to drink it. So this water of curses would get into her, Consequently, if she was an adulterer, and if she was defiled and if she betrayed her husband, the bitter water of curses would make her belly swollen and her thigh would fall down and she will become cursed among her people. And if she was innocent she will be declared innocent and get pregnant
Finally, I would address those who do not believe in Islam: suppose, in one in a million, that Islam Is the truth, would you bear Allah’s punishment on the Judgment Day because of your disbelief? And would you handle the punishment and the guilt of those who you were a reason for their disbelief

O atheists and Christians! please read these questions carefully « Islamdefence's Blog

اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27/09/2011, 09:40 AM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ طيبة قلبي اجرحتني
زعيــم متواصــل
تاريخ التسجيل: 24/03/2011
مشاركات: 63
الله ياحزاك خير.أخوي .....
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 29/10/2011, 04:09 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ MzaGei
زعيــم متألــق
تاريخ التسجيل: 17/09/2011
المكان: نجد الحبيبة
مشاركات: 1,446

يبي لي يومين آقرآه ,.؟ ^_^
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الوقت الان » 12:22 PM.

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