مشاهدة مشاركة بصفحة مستقلة
قديم 29/06/2012, 01:36 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ мя.єтiкaтє
мя.єтiкaтє мя.єтiкaтє غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف منتدى الألعاب الإلكترونيه
تاريخ التسجيل: 07/01/2007
المكان: Makkah , SA
مشاركات: 6,951
Q) About commentators in matches, for spanish PES game, will we have still the same? Any improvement in this regard?

A) Yes, still the same, Carlos Martinez and Julio Maldonado (Maldini). Have increased greatly the programming of the comments, while maintaining the same talents, both in Spain say the two commentators, and most importantly, it will eliminate many phrases that make little sense in many situations, bone , thinks that maybe they were playing back, many situations will be eliminated from being so obvious, I mean so ambiguous, and the most important development is that many comments have been added specifically for players with the Player ID, these players very important that we have identified that list will have very specific data about its behavior in the field and on their gaming skills.

س/ بخصوص المعلقين الاسبان على المباريات ، هل تم تغيرهم ؟ وهل من تطوير لهم ؟

المعلقين هم نفسهم كارلوس مارتينيز وخوليو مالديني
ولكن تم تحسين اداء التعليق والتقليل من تكرار العبارات
كما تم اضافة تعليقات خاصة بكل لاعب تميزه عن غيره