المنتديات الموقع العربي الموقع الانجليزي الهلال تيوب بلوتوث صوتيات الهلال اهداف الهلال صور الهلال
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قديم 13/08/2006, 05:26 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Imishary
زعيــم متألــق
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/05/2005
مشاركات: 1,196
Red face .:::::: ياليت تلبون طلبي يا زعماء .::::::

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ابي منكم طلب وارجو انكم ماتردوني

ابي اسرلر لعبة

harvest moon3

ياليت تجيبونها لي باسرع وقت

اتمنى للجميع التوفيق

قديم 13/08/2006, 05:41 PM
زعيــم متواصــل
تاريخ التسجيل: 13/07/2005
المكان: عنـيـزه الحبـيـبه
مشاركات: 154
والله لو عندي مااقصر معك

لكن انتضر الاخوان ان شاء الله يفيدونك
قديم 13/08/2006, 05:46 PM
زعيــم متألــق
تاريخ التسجيل: 05/07/2006
المكان: أيـنـمـا يـكـون الـمـلـكـي
مشاركات: 1,067
والـلـه أنـا مـحـتـاجـه بـعـد ومـحـتـاج حـلـهـا
قديم 13/08/2006, 05:47 PM
عضو سابق في لجنة الفيديو والصوتيات
تاريخ التسجيل: 22/09/2005
المكان: فـي قـلب دل بيـرو
مشاركات: 5,555
تفضـل يمكن تفيدك

خطوات إنهاء اللعبه :

أولاً : الحيوانات :

* COW + BULL :

1- إعطائهم الطعام مرتين يومياً و تحليبهم مرتين يومياً و بعد 40 يوم من تحليب يقدرون يحملون و إذا صاروا وصخين خذيهم عند water box و نظفيهم بإستخدام brush.

2- عدم إبغاء البقر خارج المزرعه وقت المطر .

*اHEN + الديك + DUCK :

1- إعطائهم الأكل يومياً

* GOAT :

1- إعطائهم الحشيش مره يوميا و تحليبهم مره يوميا.

2- تنظيفهم عند water box بإستخدام brush


1- لا يحتاج إلى إعطائه الطعام

2- القدرة على إعطائه التفاح

3- تنظيفه عند water box بإستخدام brush

4- تجول به في القريه


لا يحتاج الاهتمام في اللعبه

*CAT :

طريقة الحصول على القطه:

If you are friends with Romana, in the Fall of Chapter 2, wake up at around 9 AM and Romana will visit your farm and present you with a black cat. It
really doesn't do anything. You can feed it in the dog's dish, but it pretty
much just hangs around.

*Chihuahua :

طريقة الحصول عليه:

To get this dog you need to be friends with Carter and Flora. You also need to
have dug up all 6 strange tablets in the dig site. One a chapter. This dog is
the same as the cat. You can feed it, but it does nothing. You can see this dog
at Carter's Dig every now and then. It just sits around. It's tiny.

* FISH :

طريقة الحصول عليه:

In order to fish you need a fishing rod. Buy one from Van or recieve one from
Galen. To fish go to a water area and cast the rod by pressing "A". Now there
are 5 areas to fish at.

ثانياً : المعدات : ( ما يحتاج إلى الترجمه )

Heavy Hoe
How to get- Starting Tool
What it does- Tills field to plant crops. Cuts down trees.

How to get- Buy for 800G from Ledger
What it does- Tills field to plant crops. Cuts down trees.

Light Hoe
How to get- Buy for 1000G from Ledger
What it does- Tills field to plant crops. Cuts down trees.

Weird Hoe
How to get- Recieve from Vesta
What it does- Tills field to plant crops. Cuts down trees.

Strange Hoe
How to get- Recieve from Tim
What it does- Tills field to plant crops. Cuts down trees.

Heavy Sickle
How to get- Starting Tool
What it does- Cuts dead crops, trees, and grass

How to get- Buy for 600G from Ledger
What it does- Cuts dead crops, trees, and grass

Light Sickle
How to get- Buy for 750G from Ledger
What it does- Cuts dead crops, trees, and grass

Strange Sickle
How to get- Recieve from Gustafa
What it does- Cuts dead crops, trees, and grass

Weird Sickle
How to Get- Recieve from Dr. Hardy
What it does- Cuts dead crops, trees, and grass

Watering Can S
How to get it- Starting Tool
What it does- Waters crops. 35 squares

Watering Can M
How to get it- Buy for 600G from Ledger
What it does- Waters crops. 70 squares

Watering Can L
How to get it- Buy for 750G from Ledger
What it does- Waters crops. 140 squares

Watering Can W
How to get- Recieve from Romana
What it does- Waters crops. 1 square

Wool Shears
How to get- Buy for 400G from Ledger
What it does- Shears sheep

Electric Clippers
How to get- Buy for 1300G from Ledger
What it does- Shears sheep

Wool Clippers
How to get- Recieve from Wally
What it does- Shears sheep

Fishing Rod
How to get- Buy from Van for 500G
What it does- Fishes

Fishing Rod G
How to get- Recieve from Galen
What it does- Fishes

How to get- Starting Tool
What it does- Milks your cows

Goat Milker
How to get- Buy a goat for 4000G
What it does- Milks goats

How to get- Buy from Van for 500G
What it does- Brushes or washes animal. Makes them happier

Order buildings from the Ledger

What it does- Allows you to own ducks

Seed Maker
What it does- Turns 1 crop into 2 seeds
(Get it from Daryl for free)

Food Processing Room
What it does- Turns milk into butter or cheese

Milking Room
What it does- Cows milk themselves. Push them into it for a while and they will
eventually go in by themselves

ثالثاً : الزواج

1-يوجد 3 فتيات فقط تقدر الزواج منهم و هم Nami, Celia, and Muffy

2- إعطائهم الهدايا حتى يصل إلى مستوي LEVEL 4

3-معلومات عن كل فتاة:


Nami- Nami is an intelligent, quiet wanderer. She will leave town if you do not
marry her. She likes Statues and Fossils from the Dig Site and also Trick blue
flowers. They are around only in Fall. She is the hardest of the 3 to marry.
(Still easy though) Her diary is in her room at the inn. It's on the desk and
get there early in the morning or late at night to view it.


Celia- Celia is a down to earth farm girl. Marlin won't like you if you marry
her. She likes flowers and crops. She is the easiest to marry. Her diary is in
her room at Vesta's Farm. It's on the bed, you won't be able to see it, but
press "A" near the bed to view it.


Muffy- Muffy is a nice girl who wants a man to start a family. She likes
flowers and coins. She's in between to marry. Her diary is hidden in the
colorful lamp at the Blue Bar.

To raise Muffy's affection faster give her a flower and a milk. She can accept
these two gifts in one day.

رابعاً : الأطفال :

1- بعد إنجاب الطفل و بعد ان يصبح بالغ :

Your son has 6 career options.

*** طريقة جذب أبنك للأختيار وظيفته :

Now here I will say how to influence your son to a certain career.

Give your son seeds, crops and flowers
Befriend Vesta
Take him to Vesta's farm as a baby

Show him animals
Have one of every animal
Show him milk and eggs
Keep him on the farm
Milk cows by hand
Keep animals outside

Befriend Wally and Hugh
Take him to Wally's house
Keep only the ball in the toy box
Let him walk home as a baby
Use your horse sparingly

Befriend Gustafa and Lumina
Take him to Gustafa's Yurt and Romana's Villa when Lumina is playing the piano.

Befriend Cody
Take him to Cody's Studio
Leave only the Scratch Pad in the toy box

Befriend Carter and Daryl
Take him to Daryl's Lab
Show him stuff from the dig site
Keep the toy car in the toy box
Use the milker to milk your cows

When talking to your son conversation choices may also influence him to a
certain career. Also, when you take him somewhere, he will run away, but that's
fine, just take him there.

***و باقي الخطوات موجوده على هذي الصفحه

قديم 13/08/2006, 07:05 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Imishary
زعيــم متألــق
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/05/2005
مشاركات: 1,196
مشكووووووووورين الف شكر



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