الموضوع: just words
مشاهدة مشاركة بصفحة مستقلة
قديم 29/08/2002, 03:27 PM
crazyboy crazyboy غير متواجد حالياً
زعيــم فعــال
تاريخ التسجيل: 17/08/2002
المكان: jordan
مشاركات: 386
just words

.... Dear

Ever What I will say you know

the sweat words are easy to say

But Sweat persons like you are difficult to found

...I look deep in your eyes. I see there what I feel inside. We share something between us, Neither one of us can hide.

I feel your lips touch mine, I loose all my control, All it took was a look and a kiss, To know you were part of my soul.

I see your hands on my skin, I want and need you to do more, The passionate look you give me, Tells me heaven is in store.

I feel your need against my thigh, I know you will fulfill every wish,. We were made to fit together, And all it took was a look and a kiss.

I look deep in your eyes, And I see heaven there inside, You make me feel so beautiful, What I feel for you I cannot hide.

Just remember I never forget You & will never forget you

God Bless You
With my Love & best wishes
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