مشاهدة مشاركة بصفحة مستقلة
قديم 01/05/2009, 04:05 AM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Min1988
Min1988 Min1988 غير متواجد حالياً
زعيــم نشيــط
تاريخ التسجيل: 09/08/2007
المكان: Studying
مشاركات: 646

There is a problem with the national team forward, Thats true looking into the past there was Sami then Saeed , more Majid , Al Dosarey . El mohalil , Al sheyhan , and more from the 80's and back
Today with all the Media and the high paid pro players and the level of compation its unbelievable to realize that KSA may have forced itself out of getting more GOALS to more players who don't know the meaning of having 24hours of football and 365days of serving thier country... and this is from my own opinion lately players go for the week to week pay and how much more they can make from playing around with words and showing thier loyality to different groups and dedcation to partsin the goal of the meaning of FOOTBALL AND NATIONALITY FIRST

Is leading the boards today with most style most skilled under pressure. Hazzazi now days has more intrest to play and is more fit this way than any other player today in saudi. Can't find a player today whos more explosive than HAZAZZI.. may god support him into more glory

He knows what he can do from the 18yard range,

he is a great player he is always on fire... but Yassir has not attempt to work with new coaches or new players within the KSA team... is it bad attitude .. is it ego magnit .. or is it to push the other players and get them to fire.. Yassir is moving with cautions lately he still has the sufficient touch .. he can make the fans breath and relax... and he is the pick always IS THE CAPITAN

Never under estimate the WEAPON of Saudi's best football team and the fastest striker in Asia.. he is fast strong and a ball sniper... Malek can make any team defense stink and look bad.. he can slow the game and move it fast with one touch...
Malek is a super star that needs to be understood and giving the appourtinuty to see the game his way and he will crush you day in day out ....

The Saudi's most calm as the sea but harmfull as a volcano... Nassir is so smart and skilled with the ball to speed it up the feild with strong physical performance.. He can play with foot and head more like Sami and Majid both together .. Nassir is my pick for number 9 or 18 as a much needed player for the team from now till the world cup inshallah .. he is the ready always and he showing that by leading the SAUDI LEAGUE SCORING for two years in the row.. Big player with big numbers for the moment is Nassir Al shamrani

<TABLE class=navpad_tb border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height="100%"><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD class=table_bg02></TD></TR><TR><TD class=table_bg02 height=30 align=middle>Ettifaq's Saleh Bashir (2L) celebrates with his teammates after scoring against UAE's Al Shabab in their ACL game

Man from another planet , like Lobster in the sea or Lion in the Jungle ... The deer of the Zoo... Salleh is my other pick to stand behind the starting 4. just because he hasn't played as many games in the Int'l level and maybe so I would rather keep him and let him wait for the right time and right game to shine for the new era of smooth but harmless scoring new born for KSA..


<TABLE class=navpad_tb border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height="100%"><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD class=table_bg02></TD></TR><TR><TD class=table_bg02 height=30 align=middle>Ettifaq's Saleh Bashir (2L) celebrates with his teammates after scoring against UAE's Al Shabab in their ACL game</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Man from another planet , like Lobster in the sea or Lion in the Jungle ... The deer of the Zoo... Salleh is my other pick to stand behind the starting 4. just because he hasn't played as many games in the Int'l level and maybe so I would rather keep him and let him wait for the right time and right game to shine for the new era of smooth but harmless scoring new born for KSA..

استعاد الكثير من مستواه المعروف

الرياض – mbc.net
يستعد قائد المنتخب السعودي وهداف الهلال المهاجم ياسر القحطاني إلى العودة لقائمة "الأخضر" خلال الفترة المقبلة، وذلك ضمن الاستعدادات المكثفة للمواجهتين الحاسمتين في ختام التصفيات الأسيوية المؤهلة إلى نهائيات كأس العالم 2010 في جنوب إفريقيا.
ويلتقي المنتخب السعودي في الجولتين الأخيرتين له في التصفيات مع كوريا الجنوبية في سيول 10 يونيو/حزيران، قبل أن يختتم التصفيات في الرياض بلقاء كوريا الشمالية في الرياض 17 من نفس الشهر.
وتأتي عودة القحطاني للأخضر بعد أن غاب عن لقاء إيران بسبب الإيقاف لحصوله على إنذارين، وعن لقاء الإمارات بالرياض لعدم جاهزيته فنيًّا، وذلك حسب ما ذكرت جريدة "الجزيرة" السعودية اليوم الخميس.
وتعد عودة القحطاني أحد أبز المهاجمين على الساحة الكروية السعودية، إضافةً قوية لهجوم الأخضر؛ خاصةً بعدما استعاد مستواه المعروف عنه خلال المباريات الأخيرة للهلال.
وكان القحطاني قد قاد فريقه لنصف نهائي كأس خادم الحرمين الشريفين للأبطال بعد تخطي عقبة غريمه النصر السعودي، كما قاد الفريق لتصدر مجموعته في دوري أبطال أسيا بعد فوزه على مضيفه الأهلي الإماراتي بثلاثة أهداف مقابل هدف.
ويشار إلى أن القحطاني احتل المركز الثاني في قائمة الهدافين في الدوري السعودي بالتساوي مع المصري عماد متعب المحترف بصفوف الاتحاد برصيد 10 أهداف، وذلك بفارق هدفين عن المغربي هشام أبوشروان محترف الاتحاد الآخر وناصر الشمراني مهاجم الشباب.