قديم 07/09/2005, 08:21 PM
مشرف سابق بمنتدى الرياضة العالمية
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/04/2004
مشاركات: 8,142
لكنهم يقولون بانهم يشكون انها تمزق بالعضله .. وهو امر قد يبعده لاسابيع عديده

انبسط يا حمودي

موري بيغيب له كم اسبوع وبترتاح منه

اعتقد والله اعلم ان نتائج الفريق راح تتحسن في غياب مورينتيس

ياناس كلللش ولا كروتش

مورينتس هاللي ماعمره اصيب من العام وهو اصابات
قديم 08/09/2005, 03:09 AM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127

موريانتوس بيغيب اسبوعين .. وبالظبط من 10 الى 15 يوم ..
مما يعني غيابه عن لقائي توتنهام وريال بيتيس ..
قديم 08/09/2005, 03:22 AM
زعيــم متواصــل
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/12/2002
المكان: Al-Riyadh
مشاركات: 75
^^^ morients injury wont be a problem bec crouch is back now ..... i didnt get the chance 2 watch england today could anyone plz tell me if Gerrard is ok?..
قديم 08/09/2005, 03:46 PM
زعيــم متألــق
تاريخ التسجيل: 23/08/2004
المكان: الـريــV.I.Pــاضـ
مشاركات: 1,058

الله حيي الليفربوليين .. هههههههه والله ياترجمتك تمصع من الضحك يا أبو حنفي .. تمزع أبوها بالعاميه وأبن أم واحد يعرف يقراء إلا أذا كان سعودي

الله يوسع صدرك بالعافيه يا أبو حنفي .. أنا من أخوانكم من مشجعي الأفاعي :p بس يشهد الله أن شجعتكم بالنهائي وبطريقه حماسيه جداً يكفي أنكم طلعتوا البيلانيين

هذي حبه على راس كل ليفربولي .. يابعد حيي

أخوي أبو حنفي .. بعد شوي بأذب لك رساله خاصه , هي نوع من التشبيك وهي فيه سؤال تسذاتا

والله يوفق الليفر هالسنه ويكسر روس التشلسي والمان وغيرهم . بس أهم شئ لاتجون للنيرازوري

تحيتي القلبيه للجميع في هذه الرابطة ..




قديم 08/09/2005, 08:26 PM
مشرف سابق بمنتدى الرياضة العالمية
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/04/2004
مشاركات: 8,142
[align=center]تقديم مباراتنا مع السبيرز [/align]
قديم 08/09/2005, 08:47 PM
مشرف سابق بمنتدى الرياضة العالمية
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/04/2004
مشاركات: 8,142
[align=center]رافا يرحب بعوده سيسيه[/align]


[align=center]رحب المدرب الاسباني لليفربول رافاييل بنتيز بعوده المهاجم الفرنسي جبريل سيسيه الى ميلوود رافضا جميع الاشاعات لسوء العلاقه بينهما

سيسيه سجل هدفين في الاسبوع الماضي مع فرنسا ورافا اعجبه ذلك الامر ويقول رافا : اكثر شيء اهميه عند اغلاق باب الانتقالات ان اللاعبين يعرفون انهم سيبقون في النادي

سيسيه يستطيع اثبات ماعنده في هذه الفترة ويستطيع تسجيل الاهداف وهذا مااريده منه وليس عندي اي مشكله معه

ويضيف قائلا : كمدرب انا احب ان ارى لاعبيني يسجلون الاهداف وهو غاضب لانه لايلعب ,,الغضب احيانا يكون مفيد وانا اريد لاعبين كذلك وعندهك احترام لبقيه اللاعبين

سأتكلم مع كل اللاعبين اذا عادوا ليس سيسيه لوحده
قديم 08/09/2005, 09:12 PM
مشرف سابق بمنتدى الرياضة العالمية
تاريخ التسجيل: 01/04/2004
مشاركات: 8,142
[align=center]رافا : عندما انفق النقود انا اريد لاعبين يجلبون بطولات[/align]


[align=center]مدرب الحمر رافئيل بنتيز مصر انه لايصرف النقود من اجله وانما لجلب لاعبين جيدين لاحراز البطولات للفريق

رافا يعترف انه محبط لعدم قدرتهم على جلب لاعب جديد في اخر فترة الانتقالات ولكنه يعتقد ان الفريق افضل مما كان عليه الموسم الماضي

ويقول نريد جناح ايمن وقلب دفاع وهذا واضح للناس جميعا ولكن الناس ايضا يقولون اننا تركناه وهذا ليس صحيح

نحن لم نرد ان ندفع للاعب اعلى من قيمته وقد بحثنا طوال الصيف ولكننا لم نوفق

سيماو على سبيل المثال كنا نراقبه منذ فترة وعندما خاطبنا بنفيكا قالوا نعم ومن ثم غيروا رأيهم

ذلك حصل ايضا مع فيجو وميليتو

ايضا حاولنا التوقيع مع قلوب دفاع كثر ولكن النوادي تريد مبالغ خياليه ,, الانديه تعتقد ان لدينا المال لاننا حققنا دوري الابطال لذلك يريدون مبالغ باهظة

عندي اعتقاد ان لدينا فريق افضل فريق هذه السنه وانا لا اريد الا اللاعبين الذين يحرزون البطولات
قديم 09/09/2005, 07:46 AM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127
اصل عضو الشرف الفعال المهندس سعد بن ناصر الجريد تكفله بمكافآت رابطة مشجعي نادي الهلال في مباراة الهلال أمام أبها مساء غداً الجمعة , وقد تكفل أيضاً بعدد من التذاكر لجمهور الزعيم.

الف شكر لك يا سعد ..[/align]
قديم 09/09/2005, 08:01 AM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127
[align=center]LIVERPOOLY .. كراوتش شايفينه شايفينه بكره الله لا يعوق بشر .. وجيرارد قدم مستوى جيد وتم استبداله بالشوط الثاني بديفو مهاجم السبيرز ..

صالح .. نورت الرابطه يالغالي .. شيك الخاص ;)

بدر .. مشكور عالاخبار ومبروك انضمامك للجنه الاعلامية ..

اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » ابو حنفي في يوم » 09/09/2005 عند الساعة » 08:35 AM
قديم 09/09/2005, 08:34 AM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127
[align=center]مقال اعجبني ويتحدث كاتبه عن ليفربول وسوق الانتقالات بشكل عام .

The Future's Bright, The Future's RED

by Gerry

Like most Liverpool supporters and indeed the club itself, the close of the transfer window left me feeling disappointed that we didn’t manage to add a quality right sided midfielder and a centre-back to the squad. However, in the days since I’ve been reflecting back on the great work done by the Rafa and the club in the close season and its left me feeling hugely optimistic for the future. In fact I think we have made more progress with our dealings this past summer then in any other close season since the Premiership began. So I’ve been a bit surprised at the level of criticism directed at the club by some supporters.

As football supporters we all have the right to moan about our club, in fact it almost seems to be a requirement of the job and like everyone else I do a fair bit of moaning myself but nevertheless some of the criticisms of Rafa, Parry or the club in general have been bang out of order. The two main bones of contention among some supporters seem to be Michael Owen and money.

Michael Owen; Some supporters are still bemoaning the fact that we didn’t sign him but given the circumstances, I think the club were absolutely right. The club made every reasonable effort to sign him but Newcastle’s bid of £16 million was way over the top and we would have been crazy to match it and pay Real twice the figure they paid us, just twelve months ago. As I’ve stated in this blog in the past, I’ve never bought into this romanticised notion some supporters had of Owen and their likening of his return to the club to that of a prodigal son returning to his spiritual home, what a load of rubbish. Surely these people can no longer be under any illusions as to Owen and where his priorities lie. If he was the person these people claimed him to be then surely he would have turned down Newcastle’s offer, which would have then forced Real to accept a compromise deal from Liverpool. Owen instead preferred to ensure his place in the England World Cup squad by playing regular first team football at the wasteland of St James’s Park. I hope his England caps will compensate him for his lack of medals because he will certainly win nothing at Newcastle, who are a club so starved of success that 20,000 of their supporters turned up merely to welcome a vastly over-priced player who clearly has only joined them as a last resort and it also begs the question, does anyone have a job in that part of the country?

Money: The main gripe I’ve heard in this area is why have we spent so “little” while other lesser clubs have spent so much more? Regarding our own activity I would have to say that I am quite proud of the fact that our club has refused to allow themselves to be ripped off in the transfer market this summer. Transfer fees have gotten completely out of hand in recent years and I am pleased to see that we are no longer contributing to this madness. Our policy now seems to be that we are willing to pay good money for the right players but we will not pay silly money like the chelski’s of this world. Why should we work so hard to achieve success and then squander the rewards we gain from this success by lining the pockets of two or three prima donnas who will cost us just as much in wages as they cost us in transfer fees? It seems that some supporters won’t be happy until they see the club going into administration. As to those who ask how other lesser clubs can afford to buy these players and pay their huge wages, I would answer simply that they can’t and their end of year accounts should make for very interesting reading. The blueshites 4th place finish last season was achieved more by luck then design but it has given them and some other clubs ideas above their station and they’ve taken huge financial gambles in order to achieve the impossible dream. The reality is that despite the huge sums of money these clubs have spent, they still have neither the quality nor the strength in depth to compete with ourselves or “the big three” and I have a feeling one or two may even be heading the same way as Leeds Utd but that’s they’re problem.

I’m not too concerned about the pathetic efforts of these other clubs my only thoughts are on what we are doing and under Rafa we are making real progress. A close look at the work done by Rafa and the club this past Summer reveals that there has been a lot of good work done to address the issues of the clubs past, present and future.

The Past: Spend, spend, spend seems to be the policy that some fans favour but to do this is unsustainable and no guarantee of success as we found during the Houllier era. I don’t have the figures on how much Houllier spend while in charge so I’ll let you look them up for yourself but I do know that he outspent many if not all of his rivals. He almost bankrupted the club and by the end of his reign we were further away from our rivals then ever before. From memory I believe our last set accounts said we were about £80 million in debt thanks to his free spending ways and I read a report a few months back that said that he also left us with the second largest wages bill in the Premiership. It seems incredible that we should have such a high wage bill for a squad so full of dross that was going nowhere except backwards and of course there was also the hefty pay-off we had to pay Houllier and his staff just to be rid of them. The club is still trying to recover from this and this past Summer we have made a lot of progress in redressing the balance. We have reduced our numbers and consequently our wages bill by selling, releasing or loaning out many of the players who quite clearly weren’t good enough to be here. In the case of Kirkland, Welsh and ALT, these are all players who may have the ability to make it in our squad if given enough first team games to develop but they can now do that development at the expense of the various clubs we’ve loaned them to for the season.

The Present: Last season our league form was very inconsistent which was probably to be expected given the incredible amount of injuries we suffered. However, in Europe we showed that on our day we can take on and beat the best teams that Europe has to offer and were crowned Champions. We have retained all that was good in that squad and strengthened it with the signings of Reina, Sissoko, Zenden and Crouch. All good signings and all players we wouldn’t look out of place in our strongest eleven. Perhaps our greatest piece of business in the summer was eventually getting StevieG tied up to a new long term deal, unlike last season he will now be fully focused on leading us to glory and a fully focused Gerrard spells very bad news for the opposition. He wasn’t the only one, Carragher, Hamann, Hyppia, Traore, Warnock and Potter have all now signed new contracts, this was great work by the club and will give the side greater stability for the next few seasons. The fact that we didn’t get a right-sided midfielder and a centre back during the transfer window means there will now be a greater opportunity for Whitbread and Potter to make an impact in the first team. I’m not fully convinced by Potter yet but I think Whitbread is ready and good enough to do a decent job for us at centre back.

The Future: On top of all the great work mentioned above we have also been building for the future and have also brought in six highly rated youngsters ranging in ages from 16 to 19 and among them is Austria’s young player of the year. I shall be watching our reserve games with interest to see how they’re getting on and we may also get a look at some of them in this years Carling Cup. I don’t think its unreasonable for us to expect at least one or two of these lads to develop into first teamers and possibly save us millions in the transfer market. This represents yet more great work by Rafa and the club during the close season and as if all of this wasn’t enough we heard recently of Rafa’s restructuring of our scouting system which means we now have top class scouts in 14 regions across the globe on the look out for emerging talent.

I think when all these things are considered then our moaning about missing out on a couple of transfer targets seems pretty petty. It may take some time for us to reap the harvest from the seeds we’ve sown this summer but I have no doubt there’s a rich harvest to come and exciting times ahead. From a financial point of view we are also looking good. We have spent more then £20 million on the team but have re-couped more then half that in sales and we have money in the bank from our Champions League and Super Cup successes plus we have a big pay day coming from taking part in the World Club tournament in December. There’s no shame in the club trying to make a profit for a change and there will be money in the war-chest should Rafa need it in January. Unlike the others we aren’t trying to buy our success, we are trying to achieve it the right way through good management, hard work and building for the future, using these methods we will not only achieve success we will be able to sustain it. The futures bright, the futures RED.

Apologises if this blog was a bit over long but it will be my last one for awhile as I’m off on my well-deserved holidays on Thursday. With all the last minute running around and cheering on the Irish at Lansdowne Road on Wednesday night in our World Cup showdown with France and getting absolutely pissed afterwards, whatever the result, I won’t have a chance to do another blog entry until I return on the 23rd but I’ll be cheering the lads on from my base in Portugal and trying to find Figo’s house while I’m there so that I can take a dump on his doorstep. So I’ll leave you in the less then capable hands of my fellow blogger Andy. Be gentle with him, I notice he’s no longer bragging about his gambling prowess since he lost his shirt on his Owen returning to Liverpool bet. Gambling is of course a mugs game so its no surprise that it would have an appeal to Andy.
قديم 09/09/2005, 08:40 AM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127
[align=center]هذا مقال اخر يتحدث عن اوين .. وانا اتفق مع كاتبه 100%

Goodbye Michael - mediocrity awaits

So Michael Owen has finally decided his new club…. and by doing so, has made the second worst decision of his career. The first of course, was to desert – at the eleventh hour - the club who helped him become European Footballer of the Year. His reward was to sit on a wooden bench in Madrid, while watching those he sold out claim their fifth European Cup in the most miraculous game of all time. Whatever he said publicly, privately it must have hurt like hell.

Now, panicking for his England future, he makes what I believe is a hugely ill advised and irrational decision to join Newcastle. For the second time, he’s snubbed the Rafalution for his own selfish motives. I, wrongly, believed he had a real affection for Liverpool, and that after making one horrendous mistake, was not daft enough to make another. Clearly, my red-tinted belief that he would come back and play his heart out for the Liver Bird, was as misguided as his career choices. For that reason, I’m glad he chose the way he did.

That vacant spot on his mantlepiece, where a Champions League medal should be, will now never be filled.

Michael Owen is clearly all about one thing… himself. He left us high and dry (McManaman style) in a vain attempt to add to his medal collection. He has now decided to join mid-table mediocrity (or should I say lower table mediocrity) to assure first team football before the world cup. He knows, for certain, he will be the first name on the team sheet in Toonland. At Anfield, he would not be, and that, I believe, is what coloured his decision. It is absolutely no surprise to me that he, not coincidentally, has a rumoured ‘get-out’ clause, which can be acted upon after only one season – or put another way, straight after he’s secured himself a world cup place.

Michael Owen knows, as do we all, that winning anything at all with Newcastle is as likely as Cristiano Ronaldo staying on his feet for 90 minutes. He hasn’t gone there for trophies. He’s there simply to put himself in the Sven Goran Erikkson shop window. He’ll be the Andrew Johnson of Toon. Knocking in most of his team’s goals while the mediocrity around him huffs and puffs to no avail.

He’s moved to a team with a manager who has a consistent and exceptional record of breeding chaos and team disharmony in whichever club he manages. Watching Souness in the dug out at Blackburn, and now Newcastle, has often brought back shivers of discomfort, at memories of how he dismantled a great Liverpool team to populate it with the likes of Kvarme, Paul Stewart and Julian Dicks. Liverpool played horrible football under Souness, and he manages to work that same ‘magic’ on every team he takes charge of. Newcastle are already suffering from his mismanagement, playing their worst brand of football in recent memory.

Of course we’re also getting the old ‘passionate Toon army’ cliches rolled out. Michael says he’ll be proud to be playing in front of 50,000 football-crazy Geordies every other week. As if there is any comparison to the fervour of European nights at Anfield?! The praise the Geordies get for their ‘amazing’ support really sticks in my throat. I’ll never forget, back in the late seventies or early eighties, (can’t remember because it’s normally irrelevant) when Newcastle were relegated to division two. Their fate was sealed before their final game at St. James’s. Would you like to hazard a guess as to their crowd for that final first division home game before the drop? LESS THAN 7,000! Newcastle clearly can never possibly adopt You’ll Never Walk Alone as their anthem, because… well, they did!

Meanwhile, we’ll just have to make do with Morientes, Cisse, Crouch and Sinama. While the combinations haven’t yet clicked, there is real talent there for Rafa to forge into a title-challenging unit, backed by the excellence of Gerrard, Alonso and Sissoko. Liverpool will continue to improve under Rafa Benitez’s guidance. Newcastle won’t under Souness.

I admit, I wanted Michael back for the misguided reason I mentioned earlier. Everyone is entitled to a mistake, but when given the chance to reverse it, he chose not to. It rubber-stamped the belief many Liverpool fans have that his heart was never with the club. When he chooses to use his ‘get-out-clause’ in the summer of 2006, I absolutely do not want him back. Twice he’s given our club the two finger salute when he had the chance to proudly pull on the red shirt most of us would give our right arm to wear.

So goodbye Michael, hopefully now for good. You’ve proven beyond all doubt that our beloved club is not good enough for you and your personal ambitions, and as such, you are not good enough for us.

I believe that the club is ready to move on to further greatness - with Saint James Michael jealously looking on, and being denied any further chance to return.

Alex Malone
قديم 09/09/2005, 04:19 PM
زعيــم متواصــل
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/12/2002
المكان: Al-Riyadh
مشاركات: 75
Thank you abo hanafi for both ur reply and the nice articles
قديم 09/09/2005, 04:23 PM
زعيــم متواصــل
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/12/2002
المكان: Al-Riyadh
مشاركات: 75
..? what do u think the final score would be in LIVERPOOL Vs Tottenham
قديم 09/09/2005, 04:44 PM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 19/07/2001
المكان: عرب ستان
مشاركات: 8,127
You welcome

واتوقع النتيجه ان شاء الله فوز لنا 2-1
قديم 09/09/2005, 06:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ أسيــ الزعيم ــر
مشرف سابق في منتدى الرياضة العربية والعالمية
تاريخ التسجيل: 06/09/2003
مشاركات: 14,481
[align=center]السلام عليكم

مساكم الله بالخير

موريانتوس بيغيب اسبوعين .. وبالظبط من 10 الى 15 يوم ..
مما يعني غيابه عن لقائي توتنهام وريال بيتيس ..

موريانتس حتى الآن لم يقدم مستوياته المعهودة .. وأعتقد أن إصابته ستزيده سوءا ً ..

رافا يرحب بعوده سيسيه

ياالربع سيسيه هذا دفششش .. هو كان نجم في فرنسا حاله حال دروجبا .. لكن في الدوري الإنجليزي اللاعب هذا دفش حتى نهائي السوبر كان دفش فيه أجل إنفرادية أقشعها في الحارس ..

مشكورين على الأخبار وبالتوفيق للسبيرز بكرة .. وإن شاالله يلزخونكم بثلاثة أربعة تهجدكم وتخليكم تفكرون في أوروبا بس اللي بيلزخكم فيها تشيلسي بس فيه إمكانية للتأهل ..

تحياتي للجميع ؛ ؛ ؛


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