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قديم 09/01/2009, 11:21 AM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Fahad Al Sudais
مشرف سابق في منتدى الجمهور الهلالي
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/02/2008
المكان: مدريــدي / ارسنــالي
مشاركات: 13,119

In The Name Of Allah.. the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
First of all
I am very glad to do this magazine for AL MAJLESS in English
And I hope that all of you like it
Starting with this report from
An eight-year old Saudi Arabian girl who was married off by her father to a 58-year-old man has been told she cannot divorce her husband until she reaches puberty.
Lawyer Abdu Jtili said the divorce petition was filed by the unnamed girl's divorced mother in August after the marriage contract was signed by her father and the groom. "The judge has dismissed the plea because she [the mother] does not have the right to file, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty," lawyer Abdullah Jtili told the AFP news agency.
The case was handled by a court in Qasim province, north of the Saudi capital Riyadh. The girl does not know she is married, said Jtili, adding that he will appeal.
In many child marriages, girls are given away to older men in return for dowries or following the custom by which a father promises his daughters and sons to marriage while still children. But the issue is complicated by different interpretations of sharia law and a lack of legal certainty.
"There is confusion in Saudi Arabia over the fundamental question of what constitutes adulthood," said Clarisa Bencomo of Human Rights Watch. "There is also vast judicial discretion." The case appears to fit a pattern of divorced fathers using their children to take revenge against their ex-wives. Mothers usually only have custody while the children are young.
Relatives said the marriage had not been consummated and that the girl was still living with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage was not to be consummated until the girl turns 18 - although it was unclear how this could be enforced. The father agreed to marry off his daughter for a dowry of 30,000 riyals (£5,400) as he was facing financial problems.
Bencomo dismissed the idea that the girl would be able to file for divorce once she reached puberty since there was no standard definition of this. In addition, Saudi judges often insist that even adult women speak to them through a male guardian or lawyer.
No figures are available for the number of arranged marriages involving pre-adolescents in Saudi Arabia, where the strictly conservative Wahhabi version of Sunni Islam holds sway and polygamy is common. But human rights groups say they are aware of many such cases.
Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, have denounced child marriage. But it is still prevalent in conservative areas. The Shura council recently defined adulthood as starting at age 18 but objections prevented it from being ratified as required by the council of ministers
After reading that report I want to ask one question..
Ho is that qasseemy man ho give the newspaper our extreme picture from our extreme qasseem ??
The second report from
Fighter Sees His Paradise in Gaza’s Pain
The emergency room in Shifa Hospital is often a place of gore and despair. On Thursday, it was also a lesson in the way ordinary people are squeezed between suicidal fighters and a military behemoth.
of gore and despair. On Thursday, it was also a lesson in the way ordinary people are squeezed between suicidal fighters and a military behemoth.
Skip to next paragraphDr. Awni al-Jaru, 37, a surgeon at the hospital, rushed in from his home here, dressed in his scrubs. But he came not to work. His head was bleeding, and his daughter’s jaw was broken.
He said Hamas militants next to his apartment building had fired mortar and rocket rounds. Israel fired back with force, and his apartment was hit. His wife, Albina, originally from Ukraine, and his 1-year-old son were killed.
“My son has been turned into pieces,” he cried. “My wife was cut in half. I had to leave her body at home.” Because Albina was a foreigner, she could have left Gaza with her children. But, Dr. Jaru lamented, she would not leave him behind.
A car arrived with more patients. One was a 21-year-old man with shrapnel in his left leg who demanded quick treatment. He turned out to be a militant with Islamic Jihad. He was smiling a big smile.
“Hurry, I must get back so I can keep fighting,” he told the doctors.
He was told that there were more serious cases than his, that he needed to wait. But he insisted. “We are fighting the Israelis,” he said. “When we fire we run, but they hit back so fast. We run into the houses to get away.” He continued smiling.
“Why are you so happy?” this reporter asked. “Look around you.”
A girl who looked about 18 screamed as a surgeon removed shrapnel from her leg. An elderly man was soaked in blood. A baby a few weeks old and slightly wounded looked around helplessly. A man lay with parts of his brain coming out. His family wailed at his side.
“Don’t you see that these people are hurting?” the militant was asked.
“But I am from the people, too,” he said, his smile incandescent. “They lost their loved ones as martyrs. They should be happy. I want to be a martyr, too.”

Do you read it ??
No comment

Coca Cola

Diet Coke was first introduced in the US in July 1982 and today it is the fourth most commonly consumed carbonated beverage in the world.

Apart from being the beverage of choice for sugar-phobic individuals the world over, Coca-Cola is one of the longest standing 'corporate partners' (since 1974) of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). In 1998 the company signed an unprecedented eight-year agreement to sponsor FIFA events – not just the prestigious World Cup, but also the Women's World Cup, the Confederation Cup, various youth championships and the upcoming World Cup Trophy Trip, a roadshow that will take the FIFA World Cup Trophy on tour to cities throughout the world.

Last year Coca-Cola extended its FIFA sponsorship commitment until 2022, a move that prompted the preposterous statement by company Chairman and CEO, E. Neville Isdell, that Coke's recommitment to the
world's most popular sport 'affords us a new opportunity to bring people closer together through football'.

It also helps them shift a lot of cans and bottles. A recent study by marketing information company ACNeilsen revealed that the Coca-Cola brand is the global leader among beverages, generating well over $15 billion in sales globally each year. Coke and Diet Coke each generate more than a billion dollars in sales yearly.

Five countries – the US, the UK, Germany, Canada and Brazil – guzzle more of this supposedly healthy, sugar-free alternative to regular Coke than anywhere else in the world.

Aggressive marketing like the FIFA sponsorship and clever jingles like 'Always Coca-Cola' keep Coke in our consciousness, but before you 'grab a Coke and a smile' at this year's main event, consider just what you are putting into your body. Although Diet Coke has a strong association with sport and health, it is actually a worrying mixture of neurotoxic and potentially carcinogenic high intensity sweeteners (aspartame and acesulfame K), tooth and bone destroying acids (phosphoric acid) and DNA damaging colourings (sulphite ammonia caramel), as well as psychoaddictive caffeine and other undisclosed 'fl avourings'.

It also contains sodium benzoate, which can be broken down into the listed carcinogen benzene in the presence of strong acids, such as the citric acid found in this product.

Soda manufacturers have been aware of this synergistic possibility since the 1990s, but without pressure from regulatory authorities to change their formula to prevent the formation of benzene, have continued to mix benzoates and acids.

Ironically, the high fructose syrups used in regular drinks seem to slow this reaction down, and the formation of benzene appears to be most problematic in diet drinks.

So.. regarding this report we can say that
Drink 7.UP


وسامحوني على القصور..

تراي من فجر الله انسّق هالموضوع المتواضع علشانكم.. لكن الجايات احسن بإذن الله

اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Fahad Al Sudais في يوم » 09/01/2009 عند الساعة » 11:52 PM
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 01:08 PM
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 23/12/2006
المكان: المجلس العام
مشاركات: 2,495

<FONT face=Arial><U>THE GUARDIAN<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comAn eight-year old Saudi Arabian girl who was married off by her father to a 58-year-old man has been told she cannot divorce her husband until she reaches puberty.<o:p></o:p></DIV>
Lawyer Abdu Jtili said the divorce petition was filed by the unnamed girl's divorced mother in August after the marriage contract was signed by her father and the groom. "The judge has dismissed the plea because she [the mother] does not have the right to file, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty," lawyer Abdullah Jtili told the AFP news agency.<o:p></o:p>
The case was handled by a court in Qasim province, north of the Saudi capital <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com</st1:City><st1:place w:st="on">Riyadh</st1:place>. The girl does not know she is married, said Jtili, adding that he will appeal.<o:p></o:p>
In many child marriages, girls are given away to older men in return for dowries or following the custom by which a father promises his daughters and sons to marriage while still children. But the issue is complicated by different interpretations of sharia law and a lack of legal certainty.<o:p></o:p>
"There is confusion in Saudi Arabia over the fundamental question of what constitutes adulthood," said Clarisa Bencomo of Human Rights Watch. "There is also vast judicial discretion." The case appears to fit a pattern of divorced fathers using their children to take revenge against their ex-wives. Mothers usually only have custody while the children are young.<o:p></o:p>
Relatives said the marriage had not been consummated and that the girl was still living with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage was not to be consummated until the girl turns 18 - although it was unclear how this could be enforced. The father agreed to marry off his daughter for a dowry of 30,000 riyals (£5,400) as he was facing financial problems. <o:p></o:p>
Bencomo dismissed the idea that the girl would be able to file for divorce once she reached puberty since there was no standard definition of this. In addition, Saudi judges often insist that even adult women speak to them through a male guardian or lawyer. <o:p></o:p>
No figures are available for the number of arranged marriages involving pre-adolescents in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Saudi Arabia</st1:place></st1:country-region>, where the strictly conservative Wahhabi version of Sunni Islam holds sway and polygamy is common. But human rights groups say they are aware of many such cases.<o:p></o:p>
Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, have denounced child marriage. But it is still prevalent in conservative areas. The Shura council recently defined adulthood as starting at age 18 but objections prevented it from being ratified as required by the council of ministers<o:p></o:p>

الحين كل اخبارهم واخبار العالم خلصت ومالقوا الا الخبر هذا ينشرونه بالجارديان .... !!!!


كركاتير بالصميم

يعطيك الف عافية فهد على المجهود
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 01:20 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: 15/12/2008
مشاركات: 2,440
مشكووووووور فهد يعطيك العافية يالغالي ..

بس تصـدق مافهـمت شيء
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 10:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ رجل من عالم آخر
زعيــم مميــز
تاريخ التسجيل: 04/06/2008
المكان: شبكة الزعيم
مشاركات: 9,761
مشكور أخوي

و ماشاء الله عليهم الغرب يطنزون علينا ليش البنت اللي عمرها 17 سنة تتزوج واحد فوق الـ 50 سنة
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 11:54 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Fahad Al Sudais
مشرف سابق في منتدى الجمهور الهلالي
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/02/2008
المكان: مدريــدي / ارسنــالي
مشاركات: 13,119
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fff
الحين كل اخبارهم واخبار العالم خلصت ومالقوا الا الخبر هذا ينشرونه بالجارديان .... !!!!

كركاتير بالصميم

يعطيك الف عافية فهد على المجهود

هذا اللي دابل كبدي

وش وصّلهم للقصيم ؟؟؟

الله يعافيك يالسمي
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 11:55 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Fahad Al Sudais
مشرف سابق في منتدى الجمهور الهلالي
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/02/2008
المكان: مدريــدي / ارسنــالي
مشاركات: 13,119
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة [الزعيم 2008]
مشكووووووور فهد يعطيك العافية يالغالي ..

بس تصـدق مافهـمت شيء

شف يالطويرقي....

انسخ الموضوع بالكامل ورح لموقع ترجمة قوقل وتفهم بإذن الله

منور اخوي ولاعدمت هالتواصل
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09/01/2009, 11:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بـ Fahad Al Sudais
مشرف سابق في منتدى الجمهور الهلالي
تاريخ التسجيل: 21/02/2008
المكان: مدريــدي / ارسنــالي
مشاركات: 13,119
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رجل من عالم آخر
مشكور أخوي

و ماشاء الله عليهم الغرب يطنزون علينا ليش البنت اللي عمرها 17 سنة تتزوج واحد فوق الـ 50 سنة

شفت كيف ؟؟

واللي قاهرني من اللي وصّل لهم الخبر ؟؟؟

يعافيك ربي على تفاعلك الرائع
اضافة رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10/01/2009, 12:29 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: 15/12/2008
مشاركات: 2,440
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الـصـخـرة
شف يالطويرقي....

انسخ الموضوع بالكامل ورح لموقع ترجمة قوقل وتفهم بإذن الله

منور اخوي ولاعدمت هالتواصل

مشكوووووووور يالغالي

أخيراً فهمت
اضافة رد مع اقتباس

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